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Prayer Ministry

"My Father's house will be called a house of prayer." Matthew 21:13

Grafton's body of believers pursue a strong prayer ministry as it is  the direct line to our heavenly father.  We have a dedicated prayer room open throughout the week with encouraging, healing, Spirit lead prayer for all in need.

Check the Events page for prayer room hours on the calendar or feel free to use any of the links on our website to reach out.



The Missions Ministries is to connect the congregation to opportunities to be in missions at home, nationally, and throughout the world. We will educate, inform, and motivate the congregation about missions and their part in it, connect to work being done by other groups within the congregation, involve members in mission and service projects, evaluate mission projects, and report to the congregation on the benefits of its outreach. We are currently acitve with the following groups:

  • Belize Mission

  • 12 Months of Giving

  • Pancake Breakfast

  • Angel Tree

  • Good News Club



In keeping with our church's mission and vision we are very active with the following groups:

  • Caring Kitchen - Monthly

  • Sycamore House - Seasonal

  • Vacation Bible School - Seasonal

  • Champaign County Fair Concession

  • Revive Ohio 

  • Food Pantry of Federation of Churches in St. Paris - Monthly

Please go to our Contact page and send an email if you are interested in serving.

Youth Ministry

Grafton Children’s & Youth Ministry seeks to immerse children in God’s Word, teach them how to pray and worship, lead them to salvation and support their families in their commitment to facilitate spiritual growth by:

  • Familiarize children with the Bible & the Trinity (God, Jesus & Holy Spirit).

  • Encourage children to develop a biblical mindset and Christian worldview.

  • Encourage children to trust in the promises of God.

  • Lead children to recognize their sinful nature and to respond in repentance and salvation.

  • Teach and encourage children to pray to grow their relationship with God.

  • Give children an opportunity to see the hand of God at work in the church & world.

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