Thank you for worshiping with us! If you are looking for a church that is seeking the presence of God, you are in the right place.
We would love to have you come and experience with us our Great God's love and the true joy of serving him.
Please feel free to reach out to me or others in in our church for prayer. We have prayer warriors that would love to pray for you and with you.
May God Bless You Until We Meet Again!
- Pastor Mark Atterholt -
Join us for Spirit-filled service which includes a blend of Contemporary and Traditional praise and worship.
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
Adult Sunday School
Impact for Youth 6th - 12th Grade
LightHouse for Kindergarten - 5th Grade
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service + Children's Church/Nursery
Nursery available for infants up to four (4) years of age. Children's Church for ages 5 to 12 years old.